Ruud Gas Water Heater

Ruud Gas Water Heater


  • Exclusive air/fuel shut-off device
  • Maintenance-free, no filter to clean
  • Protective control system that disables the heater in the presence of flammable vapor accumulation
  • Eco-friendly burner, low NOx design
  • Premium-grade anode rod provides long-lasting tank protection
  • Easy-to-light, no matches required EverKleen patented system fights sediment build-up
  • Enhanced flow brass drain valve
  • Temperature and pressure relief valve included

Interested in Ruud Gas Water Heater?

Why Go With a RUUD Water Heater?

Comprehensive Warranty- Covering the tank, parts, and labor. Most other brands have limited and/or varying warranties.

All Parts Carried Locally- Other brands don’t stock parts locally in Tucson making warranty repairs take multiple days. RUUD gets you back in hot water faster. 

Dual Anode Rod - Most water heaters come with only 1 anode rod.  RUUD comes with 2 anode rods to protect from tank degradation giving you the most longevity possible. 

Warranty Won’t Void- Other brands void warranties if you have hard water or don’t flush your tank regularly.  With RUUD, you don’t have to worry about voided warranties.  

Why Go With a RUUD Water Heater in Tucson

What is the Best Water Heater Brand? 

The majority of tank water heaters are made the same- steel tank with a glass lining, anode rod, and a burner assembly. Not much varies between tank manufacturers.  

Reviews on water heaters can be obscure, because most people don't write good reviews on the water heater brands, they write them on the plumbers installing them.  But if a water heater leaks due to poor or improper installation, the consumer will write a negative review on the water heater brand, not the plumber.  

 Also, most of the problems with premature failure of water heater tanks is due to installer errors, not poorly made tanks.  

So what is the best water heater? 

The best water heater is where you get the best warranty and part availability in the event a warranty claim is needed.  

To protect yourself from experiencing problems, these are the 3-things recommended by most savvy consumers & professionals

-Select a water heater that is carried locally to avoid out-of-state warranty & part challenges. 

-Ensure the water heater comes with a part warranty & a labor warranty.  Most water heaters have a tank & part warranty, but they don’t warranty labor.  Why pay for labor when the part or tank is under warranty?

-Hire a plumbing contractor that provides a guarantee.  Since most premature problems with water heaters derive from the original installation, the company you choose to install your water heater can affect its longevity.  

What Causes Premature Failure in Water Heaters?

Mis-handling & improper installation techniques can result in your water heater prematurely aging.

  • If the water heater is mishandled, dropped, or maneuvered in the wrong way, the glass lining (inside the tank) can crack and speed up tank corrosion. 
  • Incorrectly installed temperature and pressure relief valves cause internal damage. The water heater protects itself from thermal expansion by using a safety blow-off valve. Incorrect or poor installation of these valves can result in damage to the insides of the water heater.
  • Powering up the water heater before the tank is filled with water, can result in cracking of the glass lining,  therefore speeding up the corrosion process.
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